Why rebranding isn’t always the end of the world

June 20th 2023 By Ami Pitt 3 minute read

Understandably rebranding can be a nerve-racking experience, especially if it’s a long-standing brand. But rebranding isn’t something to be feared but to be excited about…

A vivid memory I have is of watching ‘13 going on 30’ when the magazine decided to do a rebrand due to crumbling sales. A supporting character states that rebranding is ‘suicide’ to which Jennifer Garner responds ‘no…it’s a fresh start’. 

To rebrand is to present your company or a product in a new way to the public, whether this is through a new colour palette and fonts, logos or even a whole new name. Something that might have once been considered traditional and boring can quickly become forward thinking and dare I say trendy.

Many rebrands have gone swimmingly, and some more recent than you might think:


A little known fact is that earlier this year America’s Dunkin’ Donuts officially became Dunkin’

Now this may seem like an insignificant change as many of Dunkin’s customers already knew it by a first name basis. The smooth sans serif remains as does the colour palette. There’s almost no difference but it changed its brand positioning, taking away the assumption that it only sells doughnuts. This is an excellent example of how rebranding doesn't mean you have to lose your identity. It can in fact improve it; the rebrand has modernised the experience for its customers while keeping true to its heritage. 

What to take away from this? Make sure when rebranding your name that consumers still identify with your brand and that you carry it across all aspects of design and marketing. And that rebranding isn’t always about changing your entire identity, sometimes a simple change is all you need.

Around this time last year EA announced it was parting ways with the famous Fifa licence that it had for the better part of 30 years after Fifa 23, and continuing as EA Sports FC.
The London based creative studio Uncommon has taken the lead on Fifa’s rebrand. Triangles have been a subtle theme in Fifa videogames and throughout football for years; from passing patterns to selected players. Now Fifa could be considered a controversial rebrand choice, as we all know how passionate football fans can be. But the team at Uncommon have handled this well; the design is familiar enough not to freak football fans out but gives it a well needed refresh.

What to take away from this? Respect the history of your brand and logo and the consumers of it. FIFA and football as a whole has an almost cult following and the uproar if Uncommon had got this rebrand wrong could have had huge repercussions. But also Uncommon could see the constant themes that were already lying in wait in FIFA’s old branding and used it to its advantage. 

You may be surprised to hear but in the early 2000s, the American tech company was struggling on the verge of bankruptcy. But the arrival of Steve Jobs and the launch of the iPod in 2001 marked the beginning of a new era for Apple.
It rebranded as a company that was focused on innovation and design, and this message was reinforced through its products, advertising, and marketing campaigns. Aside from the colour palette nothing about Apple’s logo changed. Its rebranding was done through clever marketing. Today, Apple is one of the most valuable companies in the world, and its success can be attributed in part to its successful rebranding efforts that have positioned it accordingly.

What to take away from this? Rebranding doesn’t always mean changing your logo, colour palette, name and so on. Sometimes it’s about your products and marketing; investing in those and sending a clear message to your consumers.

In complete contrast, in 2014, Airbnb launched a major rebranding effort aimed at modernising its image and expanding its brand beyond just short-term rentals. 
The company introduced a new logo and brand identity, and launched a new product called Trips, which allowed customers to book experiences in addition to their accommodation. There were few elements of its branding that air bnb didn’t change, and the rebranding efforts helped to improve sales and attract new customers, with the company now valued at more than $30 billion.

What to take away from this? Sometimes it's go hard or go home. So change it and change the whole thing, as sometimes a fresh start is exactly what your company needs.
Rebranding can be a powerful tool for businesses to revitalise their image and reconnect with customers. By focusing on innovation, modernisation, and new products, these successful rebranding efforts have helped to improve sales, attract new customers, and cement their place in the marketplace.

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