September 2nd 2022 By PIC PR 2 minute read
Getting your expertise featured in a magazine is an excellent way of showing that you know your stuff to an engaged audience. Whenever you pick up a magazine, what are you looking for? Eye-catching imagery, of course, but mainly you’re looking for informative, interesting articles that offer you something insightful. The bulk of a magazine’s content is provided by the editorial team, writing up news or relevant developments that are of interest to their readership. Other content though focuses on interesting people or experts in certain fields. These can be full length interviews or wider-ranging pieces taking in multiple viewpoints, or even op-ed style pieces, where people put forth their opinion on certain topics. Expert voices are needed for their insight – and, here at Pic PR, we can help position you as that expert voice and secure these opportunities. We’re a creative comms agency that was essentially born from PR, so we know exactly how to convey and frame your expertise in the best light, pitching you and your specialism to the relevant media. We liaise with journalists to arrange your input, as well as suggesting possible expert ‘feature’ topics that you’d be confident talking about. And once we’ve done this, we’ll even write them for you. For the uninitiated reading a magazine, it’s easy to assume the author has written the piece themselves. Often that is the case, but not everyone is a great writer and not everyone has the time. If you’re keen to write these yourself – great! However, we’re also able to do this on your behalf. Our team are excellent writers and have experience working across multiple sectors to deliver this. Here are a few recent examples from two of our key sectors, hospitality and care: Hospitality HOSPA, The Hospitality Professionals Association – the CEO reflects on last year and discusses her predictions for the hospitality industry in 2022 (a very topical subject in hospitality at the time): Balmer Lawn Hotel – The hotel General Manager talks about attracting talent to the industry: And another piece for Balmer Lawn Hotel, where one of the owners spoke to their regional news publication ahead of international women’s day: Profitroom – a hotel SaaS specialist looks at how hoteliers can measure hotel performance: Care Sector Person Centred Software – A guest column looking at using the power of data to enhance care quality: CoolCare – an article looking at how occupancy management software can enhance enquiry conversion: Those are just a few online examples of some of the things we’ve pulled together in the past, but they’re an excellent way of weaving in your key messaging and projecting your expertise to audiences keen to hear about it. People read magazines and publications for the articles within them, after all.
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