Using Your Expertise to Get Your Care Offering Noticed

November 3rd 2023 By Pic PR 1 minute read

Do you play on your expertise to get your care offering noticed?
If not, you should.
Here’s how we helped our care client, Macc Care, do just that.
September marked World Alzheimer’s Month – with dementia a hot topic across the media.
So, we looked to jump into the conversation – using data supported by our client’s dementia specialist.
Did you know 70% of people with dementia go missing at least once? We realised that’s a pretty shocking stat we could work with.
So, we commissioned research to see what percentage of people would know what to do if they found someone looking lost or confused in the street and who they suspected had dementia.
It found that, whilst three out of five would be willing to help – only 10% would know what to do.
Again, an eye-catching stat we knew we could use.
So, working with Macc Care’s dementia specialist, Deena, we created an acronym that would help people react positively.
Dubbed C.A.R.E – Communicate, Act, Reassure and Empathise – it offered people advice on how to respond.
Using the stats as a news hook and the acronym as the actions for readers to take away, the story was picked up by the likes of the Mirror Online.
On top of this, we also secured features explaining the thinking behind it in care trade titles such as Care Talk.
Having gone out to interview Deena, we were able to create some great social content too, which sees Deena talk through the actions, explaining what people can do across a longer form video and a shorter, snappier video.

And, furthermore, Deena was also interviewed by a health journalist as a dementia specialist in additional articles – something that saw her feature in print in both the Daily Mirror and the Irish Daily Mirror, where she offered expertise on how to care for people with dementia.
If you’ve got experts in house, then – use them. It can get you some great results.
Want us to help you do just that?
Then get in touch – we'd love to help.

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