How To Position Yourselves As Experts In Care Through National Media Coverage

June 16th 2022 By Pic PR 1 minute read

For many care providers, dementia is a key area of care where they can impart expertise.

Most people know very little about dementia until they’re forced to confront it themselves – either because a family member is living with it, or their own diagnosis.

Carers, though, experience it first hand as part of their day job, which means they’re in position to impart advice to others.

And, often, this can be the mainstream media, which regularly reports on dementia – especially in the wake of someone famous receiving a diagnosis. Usually (such as in the case of Bruce Willis) this sees a flurry of stories focusing on it, as they know their readership will be interested and keen to know more.

But when they do focus on it, they’ll want expert comments to support their article.

And this is where you, as a care provider, can often contribute.

To show you what we mean, here’s a quick example based on one of our existing care clients, CHD Living.

Our team constantly liaise with journalists, and we pitched the idea of putting together an article centred on the warning signs of dementia, putting forward a spokesperson from CHD Living.

This struck a chord with a couple of journalists and CHD Living's input was subsequently published online by two key national outlets – the Mirror Online and the Daily Express.

This standard of coverage helps to underline CHD Living’s expertise in dementia care–positioning them as genuine experts and a provider to be trusted when it comes to looking for someone to provide care.

And this adds benefit not just to the immediate reader, but also when it comes to search engines, Google and the like will see that CHD Living is being mentioned in the same breath of dementia by national news publications – and will give it extra credence accordingly, helping to boost its rankings.

Want us to help position you as expert care providers residents can trust? Then get in touch. We’d love to talk through what we can do.

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