October 19th 2022 By Pic PR 1 minute read
Innovative tech offerings need to be shouted about to generate interest and uptake.
A great way of doing this is by highlighting your partnerships and those brands who are taking up your services.
Here’s a quick example of what we mean.
LiBi, which stands for Love It, Buy It, is an innovative tech platform for the hospitality sector. Helping hoteliers make their spaces ‘shoppable’ as retail spaces to generate extra revenue, it’s new, with nothing else out there at the moment that’s really like it.
That in itself is a nice news hook – they’re offering something new that adds something of value to the market.
The team at LiBi though, supported by our activity at Pic PR, have been working hard to get clients to take up their services and recently secured a high profile one in their sector.
The 5-star Headland Hotel in Cornwall has signed up to LiBi, and this is something we were understandably keen to shout about as an example of a serious operator taking it up.
Off the back of this, we managed to achieve a great write up in Hospitality Tech, a key trade title in LiBi’s target market that’s read by those most likely to use their offering.
An added benefit though, is that it includes a ‘follow’ link back to the LiBi website – something that offers great value for their website’s SEO. Given the fact it’s a new website, this is all the more beneficial as it helps improve their chances of topping the search rankings for their niche and getting found by those considering using their services.
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