Getting on the career ladder can often be a tricky prospect, with many employers looking for experience that, quite frankly, shouldn’t even be possible for most people just starting out.
With this in mind, we have our very own Pic training academy – which seeks to offer that much-needed experience to those who want it.
Launched in partnership with Cirencester College, not only will you get that relevant work-based practical training, but you’ll also benefit from bona fide qualifications that you can whack on your CV forever.
Who then, is suited for the Pic PR Training Academy?
We’re looking for enthusiastic, energetic school leavers and graduates who are seeking to get that knowhow to set themselves up on a serious career path.
You don’t need a marketing-related degree or A-Levels – we’re happy to talk to anyone, as long as you’re super keen to get started and willing to get stuck in and learn on the job.
Whether it be in PR, social media, copywriting, videography, photography or design, we’ll provide you with all the necessary foundations to get motoring up the ladder – with (provided you have the right attitude) pretty much a guaranteed full-time job at the end of it.
The format will see you work in the office four days a week, with one day a week spent in college (online mainly, but with the odd face-to-face session) over the course of just over a year, during which you’ll receive an apprenticeship wage, effectively getting paid to learn.
Once your year or so is done, you’ll step into the Pic team proper and enjoy all of the things that entails.
If you think, you know what, this sounds bang up my street, then please send an email to with the subject line ‘Train me up, Scotty’*, and a few details about you and which path you want your career to take.
We’ll then get back to you for a chat about where you can go and outline what we can do for you too, as, you know, it’s very much a two-way street here.
*Yeah, that’s an old school Star Trek reference, which has more than likely gone whooshing over your head if you were born after 1990 (which you probably were if you're fresh out of school – well, we'd certainly hope so anyway).
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