Natalie Whitmarsh

Account Manager

Natalie joined Pic PR in February 2021 as a digital content writer and immediately impressed with her knack for crafting sharp, engaging copy. After completing her apprenticeship, she climbed the ranks to become Copy Manager before making the leap into Account Management in 2024.

Before Pic, she spent time running kids’ clubs in the Isle of Wight, France and Rhodes – keeping little humans entertained and chaos under control (a ‘job’ she still does at home to this day).

In her spare time, Natalie’s usually off adventuring with her own kids – scaling mountains, exploring caves and chasing thrills. She’s also ticked skydiving, shark swimming, and flying planes off the bucket list (albeit without the kids in those instances). Some might call it a midlife crisis, but not us, no – we’ll be diplomatic and call it a quarter life crisis.

Oh, and because multitasking is clearly her thing, she’s also the organisational bod behind Pic’s annual Bake Off, which sees a flurry of cakes, bakes and treats flood the office in the run up to Christmas. Perfect for getting us all into shape* as we head into the festive season proper.

*If the shape is the shape of Father Christmas having scoffed a couple of billion mince pies in one night.

Favourite Pic Up Line (heard, but hopefully not used): 

"If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U n I together ;)"



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