Kavita Patel

PR Assistant

Kavita is very much a local bod, having been born and raised in Cheltenham – and she’s even ticked off that Cheltenham rite of passage having worked shifts at the festival (the pinnacle of the Cheltenham social scene).

Horse racing societal expectations aside though, Kavita’s true passion lies in writing and in reading. Established from an early age, some would say her role in literature was sealed before she’d even decided it for herself; after her parents named her ‘Kavita’ translating to ‘poem’ in the Hindi language.

Having graduated from Cardiff University with an English Literature and Creative Writing degree, Kavita is now firmly ensconced at Pic as a Copy Assistant. Looking to get stuck into the creative aspect of writing blogs, mailers, straplines, landing page content and more for clients, it’s the perfect role in which to enhance her practical skills following three hard years of study.

Outside of work, Kavita enjoys escaping the chilly UK weather and exploring new, exotic places. In recent visits she’s travelled to Jamaica, Cuba, Canada and Alaska (although, admittedly, that list gets progressively chillier!). However, when stuck in the UK with no trips planned, she’ll settle for regular Pilates classes, playing netball for Old Chelts, crotchet practice and cooking up dinner a couple of nights a week for her family. Not forgetting to spend quality time with her three furry friends, Trevor, Chutney and Dory (cats we hasten to add, not just hairy people). Although, as she’s also a fan of pub quizzes, we do like to picture her being sat in said pub, surrounded by a hirsute team of heavyweight quizzers (a bit like if The Governess and The Beast from The Chase sported fetching beards).

Favourite Pic Up Line (heard, but hopefully not used):

 “Are your parents bakers? Because you’re a cutie pie.”

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