Ella Hughes

Junior PR Account Manager

Ella’s part of our PR team here at Pic, blending creativity with a sharp eye for detail (and the occasional pun). She originally joined in a social media role, but having proven her knack for delivering standout campaigns, she’s since made the leap into PR – adding an extra string to her career bow in the process.

With a mix of client experiences (albeit with a particular focus on hospitality), Ella’s current role sees her forging media and influencer relationships, while supporting campaign ideation and creation – helping with delivery and roll-out, and still dabbling in social media where needed.

In her spare time, Ella’s nose is usually buried in a book – mainly crime thrillers and murder mysteries (current title: How To Kill Your Family – purely for research purposes, your honour).

When she’s not reading about fictional felonies, she’s painting, baking, out walking…and maybe plotting murder going off her reading list. Or she’s listening to Harry Styles, as she’s very much obsessed with him – and currently anticipating his fourth album (rumoured to be released in 2025) with a somewhat disconcerting intensity.

Favourite Pic Up Line (heard, but hopefully not used):

Einstein said nothing travels faster than light, but obviously, he hasn't seen how fast I've fallen for you


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