Ella Hughes

Social Media Executive

Ella is one of our social media crew here at Pic. Having studied Fine Art, Psychology and English Literature at A Level, a career in social media didn’t seem an immediately obvious choice.

But, after turning down university offers through a keenness to get stuck in, she started as a sales assistant at a sustainable and fairtrade art gallery (putting that Fine Art A-Level to good use!) before moving to a role as a compliance administrator for a property management company. Keen to embark on a foray into a more creative field, she turned to us here at Pic.

In her spare time, Ella loves to read, paint, bake and go for walks with her golden retriever. Although, obviously, the dog isn’t the best baker – nor a great painter, to be fair.

On top of the above she’s also obsessed with Harry Styles, having spent a disgraceful amount of money on concert tickets for his shows across 2022 and 2023. You can rest assured then, that any commission she earns will subsequently be going straight to Harry Styles.

Favourite Pic Up Line (heard, but hopefully not used):

Einstein said nothing travels faster than light, but obviously, he hasn't seen how fast I've fallen for you


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