Aaron Wise

Director of PR

When Aaron joined us as a PR Exec in early 2018, he’d spent four years as a grizzled old hack in print journalism at his ‘local rag’, where he covered everything from sport and court reporting, to crime, politics, and entertainment – and he was even the newspaper’s hotel and restaurant critic. Rumours of a spate of bad reviews from disappointed guests off the back of his recommendations though are entirely unfounded having not been proven in court*. 

A hunger for all things media led him down his career path and he’s reaping the benefits of his dogged journalistic instinct, having moved his way up the ranks to Director of PR – securing some stellar coverage for clients in the process, while overseeing the core PR team within the agency.

A fan of his beloved Fulham FC and American NFL team Buffalo Bills (he's not from the States, although his plaid shirts, pickup truck, and fondness for BBQ ribs suggests otherwise), his sporting preferences see him known as 'The Cottager' or 'El Búfalo Blanco' depending on what company he's in. A whisky enthusiast, he's also known to take a dram of single malt from time to time. Although obviously, outside of working hours…

*Rumours he was the court reporter at the time are also entirely unfounded.

Favourite Pic Up Line (heard, but hopefully not used):

"I’m not a photographer but I can ‘pic'ture you and me together”


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